Feast of Love and Joy. It was a Great Monday yesterday, full of fun, love and joy as we were celebrating St.Padre Pio Feast at the Padre Pio Home for Children with the Apostles of Jesus Christ (AJC) Sisters. Thank you so much for the opportunity to help, share and be of service to you. We team El Bonita Events are grateful. God Bless us All!
Thank you;
Munding Caterer for the food and Lechon and
Keith John Estrella for the Chapel’s Flowers
Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry! ❤️❤️❤️
#StPadrePioFeastDay #PadrePioHomeForChildren #PadrePioOrphanage #GratefulThankfulBlessedEveryday
Visit: https://elbonitaevents.com/