From Island to Highlands Team Building. Valuing th…

Building their teams with Challenges from Seawall …
June 11, 2018
It’s a lovely Eid Mubarak day with my Debutant Chr…
June 15, 2018
From Island to Highlands Team Building. Valuing the Company through valuing People. That is JG Morales Construction Company credence. Go!Go!GO! for Customer Centricity, Excellence, Integrity Passion and Innovation.

Thank you for trusting El Bonita Events to handle your team building. We are deeply grateful.

Super thank you sister Carol Legacion-Sanchez-my Ikepono-Ohana sister and sisters…
To God Be the Glory!

“ We Cater Events Nationwide “
#JGMoralesConstruction #CorporateEvent #TeamBuilding #GratefulThankfulBlessedEveryday
#ElBonitaEvents #EventPlanner #EventCoordinator #EventOrganizer #DavaoBestEventCoordinator
#DavaoBestEventOrganizer #DavaoBestEventPlanner
