A week long work for team El Bonita Events. Kudos!…

Ingress and Setting up for tomorrow’s MPBL PlayOff…
February 16, 2020
Shipped 400 pcs. box invites to Zamboanga Client…..
February 21, 2020

A week long work for team El Bonita Events. Kudos! to the team for the event’s great success. Congrats! Davao Occidental Tigers, Sir Dingko, Sir Gino and to the Bautista Family. It was an exciting and intense game. Til our next game to come…Go! For the win.

#MPBLPlayOffs #EventOrganizer #EventSpecialist
“ We Cater All Types of Events Nationwide “
To God Be the Glory!
#ElBonitaEvents #LegitEventPlanner #LicensedEventCoordinatorOrganizer #EventOrganizer #EventPlanner #EventCoordinator #DavaoBestEventCoordinator
#DavaoBestEventOrganizer #DavaoBestEventPlanner
visit our website: https://elbonitaevents.com
