Waking up reading this touching message of appreciation from my CoVid Wedding Couple(08.15.20). Thank you for the trust and confidence to team El Bonita Events. Me and my team were so humbled and motivated to continue to render the best service that we can to make every event a more than special experience.
To God Be the Glory!
#FullCoordination #IntimateWedding #NewNormalWedding #HandsOnPlannerCoordinator
#LegitWeddingPlanner #CertifiedWeddingSpecialist #CertifiedEventSpecialist
“ We Cater Events Nationwide “
To God Be the Glory!
#ElBonitaEvents #WeddingPlanner #WeddingCoordinator #LegitWeddingPlanner #LicensedWeddingCoordinator #EventOrganizer #EventPlanner #EventCoordinator #DavaoBestWeddingPlanner
#DavaoBestEventOrganizer #DavaoBestEventPlanner